Legal Citation & Organizing Research

If you are new to legal citations, The Bluebook can feel overwhelming and intimidating. The resources on this page will help you familiarize yourself with The Bluebook and understand how to cite legal materials in proper Bluebook format.

The publisher does not offer an institution-wide subscription to the online version of The Bluebook, but you may be interested in purchasing it for personal use because it allows you to search The Bluebook by keyword and access it anywhere.

We also have print copies of The Bluebook available for checkout in our Study Aids section (located behind the circulation and reference desks).

Call Number: Law Library: Study Aids (Circulation Desk) - R,REF KF246 .B55 2015 Publication Date: 2015

Note: Our library has ordered print copies of the 21st edition (2020), which will be placed on reserve. This link will be updated when they become available.

This document summarizes noteworthy changes between the 20th edition (2015) and the 21st edition (2020). The 21st edition was published in July 2020.

Bluepages vs. Whitepages

The Bluebook is primarily written for academics and practitioners. If you are writing a brief or motion that will be filed with a court, then follow the Bluepages. The Bluepages (located toward the beginning of The Bluebook and literally printed on blue paper) provide guidance on how to include in-text citations. Alternatively, if you are writing a law review article or research paper, then follow the Whitepages. The Whitepages provide guidance on how to use citations in footnotes. The numbering scheme for both the Bluepages and Whitepages correspond with one another (e.g., B10 and R10 both address how to cite cases, B16 and R16 both address how to cite periodical materials, etc.).

The main difference between citations following the Bluepages and citations following the Whitepages is the typeface used. For instance, titles of books and articles are italicized in non-academic citations (Bluepages). In contrast, titles of books use large and small caps but titles of articles in periodicals use italics in academic citations (Whitepages).

For convenience and easy reference, the front cover of the Bluebook provides examples of commonly used citation forms in law review footnotes while the back cover provides examples of commonly used citations forms in briefs and memoranda.

Tutorials & Guides

The LexisNexis Interactive Citation Workstation is an online tutorial offering many exercises on how to correctly cite to material in Bluebook format. To access this workstation, click on the tiles in the upper left corner of Lexis and then select "LexisNexis Interactive Citation Workstation."

The following resources are available in print at the law library.

Understanding and Mastering the Bluebook by Linda J. Barris "The Bluebook provides the rules for legal citation, but can be intimidating and frustrating to use. With its simple building-block approach, this survival manual teaches how to understand and master the essential rules for legal practitioners." - Publisher

Call Number: Law Library: Reserve (Circulation Desk) - MON KF245 .B37 2015 Publication Date: 2015

User's Guide to the "Bluebook" by Alan L. Dworsky & David Tomenes "This User's Guide is written for practitioners (law students, law clerks, lawyers, legal secretaries and paralegals), and is designed to make the task of mastering citation form as easy and painless as possible." - Publisher

Call Number: Law Library: Study Aids (Circulation Desk) - MON KF245 .D853 2015 Publication Date: 2015

Cite Checker by Deborah E. Bouchoux "This self-paced guide to citation form is a perfect match for any basic Legal Writing and Research course. Cite-Checker is a short, concise book providing students with everything they need to learn and master proper citation form according to The Bluebook. A readable and pragmatic guide, this valuable text offers thorough explanations of important concepts as well as self-checking exercises to help students master the concepts discussed." - Publisher

Call Number: Law Library: Stacks - MON KF245 .B68 2016 Publication Date: 2016

Interactive Citation Workbook for The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation by Tracy McGaugh Norton "Nearly 140 Legal Research and Writing programs already rely on the Interactive Citation Workbook (ICW) to provide a self-paced, pedagogically sound, and mentally stimulating way for students to learn citation. Available in both Bluebook and ALWD versions, the annually revised ICW uses a building-block approach to learning citation. Individual chapters include explanatory text with examples, a checklist summary of the text, and a citation exercise for practicing and reinforcing the rules covered in the chapter." - Publisher

Call Number: Law Library: Reserve (Circulation Desk) - MON KF245 .M352 Publication Date: 2017

No Relevant Examples?

It is not uncommon for the The Bluebook to lack a relevant example for how to cite a particular type of source. If you are a member of a journal and are cite-checking an article, first check your journal's internal guide (e.g., Purplebook) for guidance. Otherwise, look at the past practices of your journal to see how this source (or a similar source) has been cited in a previous issue. Alternatively, check the practices of other reputable law journals (e.g., Harvard Law Review, Columbia Law Review, and The Yale Law Journal).

Contains more than 2,400 law and law-related periodicals.

Provides access to over a thousand law reviews and journals. Publications can be "favorited" by clicking on the "Add to Favorites" link on the publication's main page for quick and easy access.