Understanding Financial Reporting for a Board Member

Most Board members are not expected to be nonprofit financial experts, but they should have a basic understanding of the information in the financial statements that is presented to them. Having a basic understanding will help them better govern a nonprofit and allow them to better understand an organization’s financial position, cash flows, and results of operations. This is important, as it is the role of the Board to ensure that the organization’s funds are used prudently and that the organization is fiscally sound enough to fulfill its mission. By having better fiscal insight, Board members are better able to read and interpret financial reporting, and ask the necessary questions of the organization’s internal fiscal staff as well as the external auditors.

To have a basic understanding of the financial statements, a Board member should be familiar with the common components of financial statements:

The Independent Auditors’ Report is shown before the financial statements. This report provides the period under audit, the responsibility of the auditor and management for the audit of the financial statements, and the auditors’ opinion.

An unmodified opinion is what agencies are striving for, but what is an unmodified opinion?

What are GAAP-based financial statements?

A Board member should be familiar with the information that is presented in the financial statements.

The statement of financial position has three categories:

  1. Assets – Most common assets of an organization include cash, investments, accounts receivable, prepaid expenses, and fixed assets. The assets are presented in order of liquidity (how fast the asset can be converted into cash). Current assets are those assets that are generally expected to be available for use within a one year cycle (such as cash, receivables, and prepaid expenses) and long-term assets are those that cannot be used in the near term (such as property and equipment and restricted cash).
  2. Liabilities – Represent the current (generally due within one year from the statement of financial position date, such as accounts payable, and current debt obligations) and future (such as long- term debt and contingencies) obligations that the organization is expecting to meet through the use of its assets. In essence these are liens, or anticipated liens, against an organization’s assets.
  3. Net Assets – The difference between total assets and total liabilities. It represents the portion of the assets that the organization owns (not allocated for a liability).

Net assets fall into two categories: without restriction (also includes net assets that are designated by the Board for specific uses) and with restriction (includes temporarily restricted and permanently restricted).

The statement of activities includes:

The statement of functional expenses reports the natural classification of the expenses (e.g. payroll, fringes, rent, etc.) that were spent on the organization’s programs, general and administration, and fundraising activities. Many donors focus on this schedule, because they are interested to see what percentage of an organization’s expenditures are spent by the organization in a program service capacity (program service percentage). This is particularly important for organizations receiving significant NY State originated or pass-through funds as Executive Order 38 limits the amount of general and administrative costs that can be funded by the State to no more than 15%.

The statement of cash flows reconciles the beginning of the year cash balance to the end of the year cash balance. The cash activity is separated by three types of activities: operating, investing, and financing. The statement of cash flows combines the statement of financial position and the statement of activities to help you to better understand the sources and uses of cash within an organization.

Footnote Disclosures:

In addition to the information presented on the financial statements, Board members should be familiar with certain key benchmarks, trend analyses, and ratios that will help them to better understand the meaning and impact of many of the numbers on the financial statements. This information is often looked at by funders, banks, and other users of the financial statements to assess the organization’s fiscal health. If these ratios are not strong, it could impact an organization’s ability to obtain funding. The most common trend analyses and ratios include the following:

Liquidity – shows the organization’s ability meet its financial needs in the next fiscal year:

Days in Cash:

Days in Accounts Receivable:

Trend in Net Assets:

Expendable Net Assets:

Program Trend Analysis:

Program trend analysis will be unique from agency to agency, depending on the organizations’ operations and funding sources. Some examples include:

Fundraising Event Profitability:

Program Service Percentage:

By having a better understanding of your organization’s finances, by being more engaged in financial discussions and by understanding the impact of the financial information, you can identify concerns or opportunities early on. This will put you in a better position to help steer the organization forward and ensure that it is able to maximize its organizational impact.