Looking for work or changing careers can be a challenging task. It takes lots of time and effort. A job search action plan will help you to organise your search for work or an alternative career.
Job searching is hard work. Evaluating, planning and implementing a job search action plan with clearly defined goals motivates you to stick to your goals, and also makes you more effective in your search for work.
A job search plan is unique to you. It will depend on your life and situational factors. You need to be comfortable that you can commit to your plan and that it fits with your family obligations.
If you’ve lost your job, you may want to do things as quickly as possible to find a new role – calling or your contacts or knocking up a make-do resume. But remember – you’ve have just one chance to present yourself to the job market. Make sure your approach is planned and considered. You’ll have more success by slowing down and putting a well-considered plan into action.
An effective job search plan will help you: